Construction law blog of CERHA HEMPEL
This is the blog of the Construction Team dealing with construction matters and disputes in Cerha Hempel Dezső and Partners. Our colleagues regularly publish on civil and construction law issues of great interest, which are recurring significant problems for businesses in the construction industry. The materials published here do not constitute legal advices, we can only give them in individual cases. However, our easily understandable analyses can still help you manage risks effectively: avoid avoidable litigation, and prepare for unavoidable lawsuits.
When is a company subject to NIS2 requirements?
Companies will have to perform a self-assessment to determine whether they are subject to the NIS2 Directive. This article gives practical pointers for the performance of that self-assessment.
A Green Compass: The Impact of the ESG Act on Companies’ Obligations and Sustainable Operation
The ‘ESG Act’ was adopted by the Hungarian Parliament in December 2023, and the companies that are subject to it are required to carry out sustainability due diligence reviews and to prepare related statements and reports after 1 January 2024.
The importance of proper documentation
In the final article, we list and discuss the fundamental principles that should be followed in the preparation of construction documentation and that can greatly help contractors manage risks successfully
When can contractors claim additional and downtime costs?
In this, the third article of our four-part series, we discuss the nature of costs that are incurred by contractors outside flat-rate fees, and how these can be recovered.
Delays and Disruptions in Construction
In this second article of our four-part series, we discuss the dilemmas and risks that contractors most frequently have to face in connection with delays.
Complying with more than just the contract?
In the first article of a four-part series, we discuss what contractors should pay attention to in the examination of the technical specifications of construction contracts. We also address the distinction between express and implied specifications.
Can We Get out of a Contract Gone Bad? – International Outlook
This article examines how certain continental and common law systems deal with changes in economic circumstances.
Can We Get out of a Contract Gone Bad? – in Hungary
Pacta sunt servanda: contracts must be performed. This is the most fundamental tenet of the law of obligations.
New Act on Public Works Projects Takes Effect II. – Mandatory Terms and Elements of Construction Contracts
This article discusses additional requirements that the Act sets beyond what is included in Government Decree No. 191/2009 on Construction Activities (hereinafter: “Decree”).
New Act on Public Works Projects Takes Effect – Dispute Resolution Radically Changed by Act on Public Works Projects
This article deals with Section 54, which reforms dispute resolution and legal recourse procedures, and which appears to make the involvement of the Certificate of Performance Expert Board (hereinafter: “CPEB”) mandatory before a lawsuit can be filed.
Dr. András Fenyőházi

Dr. Ilona Rónay-Csordás, LL.M.

Dr. Bence Rajkai
senior associate

senior associate