2021. Apr 8. | Construction
This article is a summary of the figures published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office on the performance of the construction industry in January 2021. Both the monthly and yearly figures paint an encouraging picture, but due to COVID-19, it is too early tell...
2021. Mar 4. | Construction
This article highlights figures reported by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, indicating that the output of the construction industry fell short of the 2019 level by 9.1%. Figures from the Central Statistical Office In the definition that the Hungarian Central...
2021. Mar 1. | Construction
This article highlights the Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s analyses concerning the state of the construction industry in 2019 and 2020, and an assessment by the National Association of Building Contractors and their expectations for 2021. Figures from the...
2021. Feb 1. | Construction
Lawsuits filed on the basis of construction contracts are often rooted in disputes associated with the treatment of extra and additional work. The large number of such lawsuits is partly explained by the fact that no matter how careful and diligent parties are, it is...
2021. Feb 1. | Construction
Government Decree No. 312/2012 on Construction Procedures, Inspections and Services has been modified once again, with the modifications taking effect on 1 January 2021. The key changes are summarised below. In the case of extremely long construction projects, it is...