2023. Dec 15. | Construction
Useful tips for contractors on getting exemptions from delay-related liabilities In this second article of our four-part series, we discuss the dilemmas and risks that contractors most frequently have to face in connection with delays, and we address the issue of when...
2023. Dec 11. | Construction
There are two useful phrases that help avoid all sorts of construction disputes: express and implied technical specifications. In the first article of a four-part series, we discuss what contractors should pay attention to in the examination of the technical...
2023. Dec 1. | Construction
Pacta sunt servanda: contracts must be performed. This is the most fundamental tenet of the law of obligations. In this two-part series, we examine Hungarian and international law in terms of the opportunities they offer for getting released from a contract...
2023. Nov 29. | Construction
Pacta sunt servanda: contracts must be performed. This is the most fundamental tenet of the law of obligations. In this two-part series, we examine Hungarian and international law in terms of the opportunities they offer for getting released from a contract...
2023. Nov 20. | Construction
As noted in a previous article, Hungary’s Act LXIX of 2023 on Public Works Projects (hereinafter: “Act”) took effect on 8 November 2023. In addition to dispute resolution procedures, the Act also includes provisions on certain mandatory terms and elements of...
2023. Nov 6. | Construction
Hungary’s Act LXIX of 2023 on Public Works Projects (hereinafter: “Act”) was published in Magyar Közlöny, the official government gazette, and will take effect on 8 November 2023. The Act creates a new and unified framework for public works projects. Many rules...