2023. Feb 6. | Construction
In Government Decree No. 13/2023. (I. 24.) on the modification of contracts concerning construction projects (“Decree”), the Hungarian government, in order bring clarity with regard to the recoverability of extra costs incurred by contractors due to war inflation, has...
2022. Dec 21. | Construction
The relationship between investment protection and the enforcement of claims under civil law – an introduction Investment protection is an important segment of international law. It is one of the few areas that is not covered by a general multilateral convention...
2022. Oct 3. | Construction
What the earth hides is always a mystery, and so are the legal implications stemming from unknown conditions. While for treasure hunters and archaeologists the secrets of the soil can be exciting, for contractors they are more of a headache than a thrilling...
2022. Sep 21. | Construction
Government Decree No. 315/2022 (VIII.16.) on the modification of certain construction, cultural heritage protection, asset management and government administration decrees (“Modification Decree”) has extended the powers of the National Architectural Planning Council....
2022. Sep 14. | Construction
Buildings with a total useful area of more than 5,000 sqm and apartment buildings located on a single building plot with at least six apartments and a total useful area of more than 1,500 sqm will not receive a preliminary or final building permit in procedures...
2022. Aug 29. | Construction
Buildings will only have to meet nearly zero-energy requirements if they are occupied after 30 June 2024 instead of 30 June 2022. Another extension Government Decree No. 315/2022 (“Modification Decree”), which has modified Government Decree No. 312/2012 on Regulatory...